Ko Am Mu Do Special Activities:
Am Mu-Do members look forward to their special activities and events that signify we are more than just another martial arts
school. Activities and events continue to be a big part of Ko Am Mu-Do training (Active & Imaginative Training). Special
events benefit the students by building up and increasing their confidence, courage, cooperation and judgments.
Special activities are intended to broaden the students involvement with their community, family and friends.
Activities include Friends Day, Movie Days, Appreciation Days, Parents Days, Holiday Parties, National and International competitions
and etc.
Promotion Tests:
Promotion tests are offered monthly or bi-monthly having a minimum
number of required classes before a student is ready for testing. A promotion test is an opportunity for the student to demonstrate
to themselves their improvement mentally and physically. It helps to set short term and long term goals leading to an increase
in self-confidence and esteem.
Demonstrations are an excellent venue
for the student to realize what they have learned as they show others techniques and mind control. Events include Charity
Demonstrations, Annual In-House Demonstrations, Invitational Demonstrations and etc.
Activity camps are intended to give the student concentrated
training that cannot be accomplished during a one hour regular class. The camps are offered annually lasting one or two days.
There is a winter and summer camp, as well as a discipline camp. There are events which the students will talk about
and never forget.
The main aspect and goal of Ko Am Mu Do competitions
is to build up confidence in the students and help them establish a fundamental goal. It challenges their physical and
mental abilities and is an important part of Ko Am Mu-Do training and education. Ko Am Mu-Do students will
be able to experience and partake in domestic and international competitions as well as competitions held by the The World
Ko Am Mu Do Federation.
Standard events
Free Sparring
Travel is part of Ko Am Mu-Do's
"action-philosophy". Through traveling to countries of martial arts origins, Ko Am Mu-Do students learn to face challenges
such as humanistic cooperation and survival while becoming enlightened to their customs and philosophical ways of life. Prospective
countries include South
Korea, Japan, China, and etc.